Top 10 effective Yoga poses for weight loss : Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

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Yoga for Weight loss.

A recent study found that there are currently more than 1 billion overweight persons worldwide. According to a research that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 10% of the world’s population—adults and children alike—were obese, and approximately a third of the population was overweight. According to studies, being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, respiratory issues, cancer, and more. Globally, obesity has reached epidemic levels; as a result of being overweight or obese, at least 2.8 million people die annually. Based on projected calculations, women need to consume roughly 1500 less calories, and men around 2000 calories in order to lose weight.


Factors that influence weight gain?

There may be a number of causes behind the rising rate of obesity in the world. The following are a few of the numerous causes of weight gain:


Your chances of being overweight are higher if one or both of your parents are obese or overweight. The quantity of body fat you store and the locations of this additional fat may be genetically fixed.


Many people experience weight gain as they get older. Adults with a normal BMI are observed to gain weight starting in their early twenties and continuing until they are between the ages of 60 and 65. Children who are obese are typically more likely to remain obese as adults.


Women are predisposed genetically to storing fat in their hips and buttocks. However, guys typically grow those extra inches in their belly or abdomen. Extra body fat, especially around the stomach, is risky because it puts people at risk for health issues even if their weight is acceptable.


Having a regular fitness regimen can help to control factors like age, gender, and heredity. Even people with a genetic tendency to be thin can put on weight if they adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Your food and exercise habits could increase your risk of obesity and being overweight.

Lack of sleep

You may eat more calories and nibble more if you are awake owing to working late-night shifts or if you have trouble falling asleep early. Experts advise adults between the ages of 18 and 64 to receive 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, and adults 65 and over to obtain 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions , Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organisation and well known spiritual leader stress on easy Yoga poses for Weight Loss

Yoga Therapy


Santolanasana – Plank pose

Formation of the posture

Lay down on your stomach with your palms beneath your shoulders and your toes flat on the ground. Lift your torso up and maintain your knees straight as you inhale. Place your wrists under your shoulders and place your pelvis and spine in alignment. Maintain arm straightness and hold for 8 to 10 breaths.

Naukasana – Boat Pose
Formation of the Posture

Legs positioned forward and raised 45 degrees above the ground in a sitting position. So that your upper body is at the same angle, softly lean back. Knees can be straight or bent to help you balance your body weight. Put your hands out to the side. Straighten your back and contract your abdominals.

Vrikshasana – Tree Pose

Formation of the posture

In Samasthithi, raise your body straight. Your right foot should be as close to your groyne as feasible on the inner thigh of your raised right leg. Your left leg should support your entire body weight. If this is difficult, you can maintain your balance by placing your palms on the foot or ankle. As you lift your heart chakra, join your palms together in the Pranam Mudra. Repeat with your other leg.

Padahasthasana – Hand to Foot pose
Formation of the posture

In Samasthithi, raise your body straight. Exhale and slowly fold your upper body forward. Permitting your head to droop while pulling your stomach into your thighs. Make sure your forward bending comes from your hip joints rather than your waist. Try to position your palms on either side of your feet if you can. Beginning with a little knee bend, you can gradually straighten your knees as you practise and attempt to touch your chest to your thighs. pause for 8–10 breaths.


Formation of the Posture

Stretch out your legs forward. Inhale and raise your arms up while keeping your back straight. Exhale and bend forward placing your upper body on your lower body. Reach and hold your toes with your fingers.

Formation of the Posture

Kneel down on the mat and place your hands on the hips. Lean back pushing your pelvis forward and arch back. Slide your palms over your feet and keep the arms are straight. Exhale out and slowly come back to the initial pose.


Formation of the Posture

Lie down on your stomach, and bend your knees. Bring your ankles towards you as you hold them with your palms. Inhale and lift up your legs and arms as high as you can. Look up and hold the posture for a while.


Formation of the posture

Starting in the plank position, you should: • Place your left palm firmly on the floor; • Lift your right hand off the floor; • Turn your entire body to face the right side; • Raise your right arm above your head, keeping your fingers pointing upward; • Check that both knees, heels, and feet are in contact; • Check that both arms and shoulders are in a straight line; Turn your head to stare at your right hand as you hold the pose, and then switch to your left side and do the same.

Varun Mudra


Sit down in a meditative pose such as Sukhasana or Padmasana and keep your back straight. Allow the tips of your thumb and little fingers to gently touch each other. Straighten the rest of your fingers. Do this with both hands and place the back of your palms on your knees. Close your eyes and direct your attention to your breath.


  • Sit in a lotus or very easy half seated position.
  • The first condition of any mudra exercise is comfort.
  • You must be in a comfortable position on a mat or cloth to do this exercise.
  • You can close your eyes as this ensures more concentration.
  • Join together the tips of thumbs and little finger


Kapal Bhati Pranayama Method

  • Pick any position to sit in (such as Sukhasan, Ardhapadmasan or Padmasana).
  • Close your eyes and straighten your back.
  • On your knees, place your palms up (in Prapthi Mudra).
  • Focus on taking a regular breath in and then expelling quickly, forcefully, and rhythmically.
  • By compressing your stomach, you can compel the diaphragm and lungs to release all the air they contain.
  • You should immediately inhale as you let your stomach expand.

 The Siddha Walk Method

The siddha walk is performed by moving from south to north while tracing a figure eight. Walking in the shape of an 8 along this path from south to north will take 21 minutes. Once you have completed the required number of laps, you must turn around and walk for an additional 21 minutes from north to south.

The practice of Siddha Walk can be included in your regular practice for its therapeutic benefits. It brings health to your body, calmness to the mind and equips you with self-healing abilities.

Food and Lifestyle Habits

Eat a diet rich in nutrients and engage in holistic exercise, such as yoga. However, keeping your body active and moving is most crucial. Your metabolism won’t slow down if you engage in regular, consistent exercise. To keep motivated and encouraged on your journey to excellent health, weigh yourself every two weeks or once a month and note the amount of fat you have lost. Make a commitment to improving your self-care while you mentally and emotionally prepare. You will therefore benefit from its incredible physical and mental health advantages.


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